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Guide to E-Safety in Primary Schools

What is E-Safety?

Internet safety is a major issues affecting the lives of young people today. Young people these days not only use computers to communicate they use devices such as mobile phones, iPads, etc. E-Safety means ensuring that children are protected from harm and assisted to achieve the benefit from newly developing technology. Without risk to themselves. The aim of e-Safety is to protect young people from things like, bullying, inappropriate sexualised behavior and exploitation.

Stay safe

Children should take into consideration these steps when using the internet.

Be S.M.A.R.T

  • Safe: Always keep your name, address, mobile phone number and password private.
  • Meeting up with a web pal can be dangerous. If you must go, make sure you take and adult with you.
  • Accepting emails or opening files from people you don’t know can get you into trouble. They may contain nasty messages or viruses.
  • Reliable: Someone online may not be who they say they are.
  • Tell your parent or an adult if someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable or worried.


Facebook is a growing social networking site. The site policy is you have to be 13 to be able to sign up to Facebook. Children fake their age in order to register, Facebook is a well-known easy way to access information, and this information can be accessed by strangers. This is why children should only befriend people they know, and check their privacy settings to enable only their friend’s can see information and images. Facebook has a large amount of people who claim there someone there not. So only befriend people you know!

Useful Resources

The Internet has a lot to offer when it comes to useful websites, the links bellow give you plenty of information regarding e-Safety. There are sections for both parents and children.

Safe Search

The Internet is an unmanaged, open communications channel. The World Wide Web, email, blogs and social networks all transmit information using the Internet’s communication infrastructure. Anyone can send messages, process ideas and publish material with little question or restriction. Millions of people use the Web every day and not all material can be what you expect.

Here at Primary ICT Support we have a method where safe search is enabled on all searches. This allows you to search the web without encountering any inappropriate material.

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